Book Signing: Saturday, February 16th, 2019, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Tuesday Night Love Letters
by Gini Brown and Leslie Watts
Galveston Bookshop will host a book signing on Saturday, February 16th, 2:00-4:00 p.m. for local authors Gini Brown and Leslie Watts, with their new collection of stories from Galveston’s past.
On Tuesday nights from June to August, Galveston’s Summer Beach Band presents free concerts featuring rousing marches and show tunes. Each program includes a short vignette of local “facts, fables, or fabulous fibs,” as interpreted by local authors Gini Brown and Leslie Watts.
These entertaining stories are not a history of Galveston in the strict sense of that word, but the more entertaining non-historical history – the little stories of people and events – the tall tales, the gossip, the “didja hears” – as shared by local folk over back-alley fences, between doughnut shop stools, around cafeteria tables, at church socials and family reunions.
“Tuesday Night Love Letters” is a selection of favorite stories that Gini and Leslie have collected over the years, a few dozen short tales of Galveston history as many think it should be told – warm, witty, and memorable, if not always true.
Gini Brown is also author of “Galveston: Lore, Legends, & Downright Lies,” to which the current book may be considered a sequel. Gini and Leslie are both longtime residents of Galveston, and both are very active in the community.